Frequently asked questions and general tips about Vivexotic parts
If you don’t see an answer to a question you have please feel free to contact us and we’ll get an answer to you.
You can pay securely using your credit card or debit card; we use a secure payment gateway called SagePay that will briefly take your payment to their SSL certified servers and process payment. The rest is up to us!
Please check out this handy PDF guide for installing a digital thermometer for your vivarium:
No, the products on this website are purely for replacing any parts for customers who have already purchased a Vivexotic product. For more information on any of the Vivexotic products and to purchase the original products, please visit the Vivexotic website by Hagen:
When using the metal Ventilation Rails – make sure you attach the Ventilation Clips to the inside of the bottom rails. Please follow the instructions label on the pack!
Make sure you correctly place your Plastic Tracking – it is vital in order to secure the glass in place. The top and bottom tracking differ in height, with the Top tracking having the greater height. This will always be placed on the top part of the vivarium.
When ordering a replacement panel, make sure you are ordering the correct part – you can double check this by either:
a) viewing the diagram on each respective product panel page,
b) checking the respective instruction sheets.
Aquapac design and manufacture Vivexotic products and are the sole supplier of Vivexotic spare parts. If you can’t find what you’re looking for on this website please call our Customer Care team on 0141 945 2888 and they will be happy to help you.